A February that came and went.

Radhe Isvari

The ranting and ravings of an author-wannabe.

I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes. Because if you are making mistakes… you’re Doing Something.

Neil Gaiman

February began with finding a gothic magazine to write a short story for. Two future blog posts will have both the process for the story and my attempt to understand the genre in general as it’s not exactly my main theme. But I’m doing my best and that’s all you can do when stepping on the path of a new adventure.

Anne Freeman

I met the delightful Anne Freeman, the author of ‘Returning to Adelaide’. Her commentary on the difficulties of reimagining yourself and becoming disillusioned with the life you were living was poignant. The themes of escapism and discovering yourself were familiar to me, given that those are the ones that I also write about.


The last month of freedom before I begin my Master’s studies. Nothing like cutting into your writing time more and more by having an active life outside the computer screen and its words. Sure, it was a personal choice and no doubt I’m going to enjoy it, but there are only so many hours in a day and sometimes it feels like it’s running through your fingertips like a broken hourglass. Splitting myself between masters, work and everything else in my life is going to require a little more time management and a little less bingeing entertainment till the early hours of the morning.

Short Stories

I did take the month of February to get a head start on a few short stories that have been floating around in my brain but had never been put to paper. Nothing more than a few outlines and blocks of poorly written paragraphs but its a beginning and it’s better than nothing. All three are focused on the internal change brought about by a single decision or event, a moment in time. One is about the choice of knowledge over comfort, another about the realities of becoming someone new, and the last is about the courage of opening the blinds. Hopefully, I’ll have them finished by the middle of the year.

And so begins March, which is hopefully a little more exciting but I have the feeling it’s going to be more reading textbooks and required readings more that anything else. Perhaps they will even inspire a little more writing on my end.

Bye bye!